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Why Write

by | Oct 27, 2020 | Why Journal | 0 comments

As I was scrolling through FaceBook, my little eye caught Heather’s Start a Business Blogging Post. Curiosity led me to click on her post and to read what she had to say. Heather explained she started blogging 10 years ago and that it changed her life. She and her husband can now afford to work from home, because their blogging provides for them and their family financially. I thought, hmmmm? Could this be true? Could this be really true?

Working from home, working for ourselves, and making it financially is a dream for most of us, maybe even all of us. I know it’s been my dream for years, but I’ve never taken REAL ACTION to make that dream happen. 

I’ve been doing that working thing for someone else from a cubicle for the past 25 years. Living from paycheck to paycheck providing the necessities for my life for myself and for my family. That little voice inside of me said, “Why not try this blogging thing? What have you got to lose? Worst case scenario – you will learn something. You will meet like-minded people on the same journey. Go for it,” and so here I am, going for it.

I re-read Heather’s post. I watched the video – Heather and Reese introduced themselves and spoke about how profitable and life changing their blog was for them and their family. I FELT their message was genuine and so I clicked on the invitation to take their 5 day blogging course.

Why? Because something’s got to change these next 25 years. I want to do something different, something more than what I’ve been doing.  What’s that saying? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, thinking you’re going to get different results? Not that my life is horrible, because it’s not. I am grateful, I am happy, I am healthy, I am busy but……as Matthew Kelly suggests in many of his books and cd’s, “maybe something is missing”.

Did you ever have an aha moment? When I heard the words “maybe something is missing?” I had one. When I read Heather’s post, I had another and decided to try this blogging thing. Ever since I made the decision to take the course and am doing the work, I feel I’m on a new adventure and I’m excited to share it with you.  

I hope you stay tuned as I share my thoughts – well about everything.  Mostly about the books that I’ve read, am reading and how I’m inspired.  

Until next time, may many buckets of blessings rain upon you!


P.S. I so hope that my thoughts have resonated with you and you are inspired to take action and share your thoughts below:  


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Hello World

Hello World

I am so glad you found MarySia’s Bookcase. I’m very excited to share this new project of mine with you. I have so much to tell you and I don’t know where to start. Yikes. I’ll start with my name. My name is MarySia. I’m a lot of things but the best description is that...