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Goliath – Season 4

Tuesday 10-20-21

Kindred Spirits,

Sat down last night with my husband to watch Goliath Season 4 on Amazon Prime.

Binge watched the first 4 episodes in one evening and was left curious how this drama was going to unfold. It was confusing, which in one way stinks but in another way is pretty ingenious. The way the writers write the story, script it for the actors and film it always amazes me. It takes so much talent, so many people to put an episode together, where you are kept guessing “What happens next.”

Every episode was filled with pieces to a puzzle to collect. However, the pieces to the puzzle didn’t make sense to me until the very end of episode 8.

Wed 10-21-2021

The following night we finished watching the next four episodes of Goliath Season 4. It was a very good story with a great ending to the season. But I’ve got to say, during the whole series I began to question “How much of this story is real?”

Years ago, and I mean years ago in my very first creative writing class , I had a very hard time writing a story. I had a hard time looking at a blank page and coming up with something to write that was original. I’m embarrassed to admit that it has taken me this long to figure out that most writers do not come up with something original to write about. Some may, but very few do.

Most write from experience, their’s or someone else’s. So I’m wondering what was the premise for this story? Is it based on truth? Are the pharmaceutical companies really making drugs just to make money? Are they not disclosing that risks are involved. Is there really so much coercion and blackmail going on today? Not to mention murder?

I’m sad to think this drama was and is based on truth. So sad that in our century, here in America, we the people have been and are continuously being lied to right before our eyes.

Jukebox Joyride

Jukebox Joyride

Kindred Spirits, 

Just started listening to this audiobook and I’m loving it! 

The story is about a twin brother and sister who receive a music box from their uncle.  This music box isn’t an ordinary box.  It’s magical and it takes the twins on adventures once they figure out how to use it.

Why am I loving listening to this audiobook? Because it reminds me of my childhood and the adventures I had with my little brother. Our adventures weren’t as exciting as Jukebox Joyride, but listening to the story definitely reminds me of my brother and me.

​Delightful story! As I’ve mentioned before I have this wonderful ability to imagine myself in stories and I quickly became Jules and my brother was George.  I imagined the two of us went on this Jukebox Joyride together.  I laughed, I smiled and as I write this, I’m thinking warm and fuzzy brotherly thoughts.  I love you, bro!

Thank you, Jacob Stein,  Jason Rabinowitz, for writing  Jukebox Joyride!