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Hello World

Hello World

I am so glad you found MarySia’s Bookcase. I’m very excited to share this new project of mine with you. I have so much to tell you and I don’t know where to start. Yikes. I’ll start with my name. My name is MarySia. I’m a lot of things but the best description is that I’m very empathic, largely an introvert, a procrastinator, and most importantly an avid reader and dreamer with a touch of creativity.

For most of my life, I’ve been a hesitator, so afraid to join the conversation and to take risks. Today I’ve decided to go for it, to share my thoughts, and to start this blog,  Yes, I’m scared. What if – it’s not a success? What if  – it is a success?

I have 55 years of experience to my name. I married at 23, gave birth to 3 amazing children, overcame depression after 2 devastating miscarriages all leading up to a guilt-ridden divorce after 20 years of marriage.  Overcame the grueling challenges of divorce and believe it or not, learned to trust again. Dating at 18 was hard the first time around but let me tell you dating at 50 is a challenge. However, I’ve found love and marriage the second time around.

Currently, I’m adjusting to being an empty-nester, rebuilding, and navigating relationships with adult children. (So hard, to not be a part of their daily lives!) For the past 3 years, I’ve reversed roles with my mom and am now her caregiver.  What a challenge that is! Also, just learned that my first grandchild is on the way. So Excited for my daughter and my son-in-law, so excited for me!

At 48 I went back to college because I had to find a job that would support me because of my divorce.  Going back to school, being surrounded by the youth of today was sooooo hard, but I did it!  My degree program started with 30 students. After 2 years, 4 of us graduated. I’m very grateful to my 3 classmates that cheered me on.  I am very proud of myself for going back to school and earning my Bachelor’s Degree at 50!  

I’m also a large anterior superior mediastinal mass survivor (2000), and a 2011 survivor of a left pelvic spinal sheath tumor which took 3 surgeries to remove. Knowing something is wrong and going to doctor appointments, discussing options and treatments, listening to second opinions is heart wrenching.  Having surgery, the recovery process – all tough stuff, but I survived it all.   

How did I get through all of that and  have the energy to continue to keep going like the energizer bunny? Trust me when I say it was hard.  I shed a lot of tears.  However, supportive friends, reading books, and spending time in nature and prayer renewed by belief that God  has an AMAZING plan for my life.   

And all that, my life, has led me to today.  Today I stop being a procrastinator and take a leap of faith and take a risk.  I’m so looking forward to this journey, to sharing my thoughts about the books I read, my favorite quotes, life experiences, and my new but old love of coloring.