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Goliath – Season 4

Tuesday 10-20-21

Kindred Spirits,

Sat down last night with my husband to watch Goliath Season 4 on Amazon Prime.

Binge watched the first 4 episodes in one evening and was left curious how this drama was going to unfold. It was confusing, which in one way stinks but in another way is pretty ingenious. The way the writers write the story, script it for the actors and film it always amazes me. It takes so much talent, so many people to put an episode together, where you are kept guessing “What happens next.”

Every episode was filled with pieces to a puzzle to collect. However, the pieces to the puzzle didn’t make sense to me until the very end of episode 8.

Wed 10-21-2021

The following night we finished watching the next four episodes of Goliath Season 4. It was a very good story with a great ending to the season. But I’ve got to say, during the whole series I began to question “How much of this story is real?”

Years ago, and I mean years ago in my very first creative writing class , I had a very hard time writing a story. I had a hard time looking at a blank page and coming up with something to write that was original. I’m embarrassed to admit that it has taken me this long to figure out that most writers do not come up with something original to write about. Some may, but very few do.

Most write from experience, their’s or someone else’s. So I’m wondering what was the premise for this story? Is it based on truth? Are the pharmaceutical companies really making drugs just to make money? Are they not disclosing that risks are involved. Is there really so much coercion and blackmail going on today? Not to mention murder?

I’m sad to think this drama was and is based on truth. So sad that in our century, here in America, we the people have been and are continuously being lied to right before our eyes.

Jukebox Joyride

Jukebox Joyride

Kindred Spirits, 

Just started listening to this audiobook and I’m loving it! 

The story is about a twin brother and sister who receive a music box from their uncle.  This music box isn’t an ordinary box.  It’s magical and it takes the twins on adventures once they figure out how to use it.

Why am I loving listening to this audiobook? Because it reminds me of my childhood and the adventures I had with my little brother. Our adventures weren’t as exciting as Jukebox Joyride, but listening to the story definitely reminds me of my brother and me.

​Delightful story! As I’ve mentioned before I have this wonderful ability to imagine myself in stories and I quickly became Jules and my brother was George.  I imagined the two of us went on this Jukebox Joyride together.  I laughed, I smiled and as I write this, I’m thinking warm and fuzzy brotherly thoughts.  I love you, bro!

Thank you, Jacob Stein,  Jason Rabinowitz, for writing  Jukebox Joyride!

Why Pray

Why Pray

Kindred Spirits,

Why do I pray? How do I answer that question? What comes to mind is Maria’s answer from the Sound of Music. “Let’s start from the very beginning.”

In the beginning I was taught to say bedtime prayers. Than I went to school and was taught more prayers, and more prayers in church. I followed along because that was what I was taught to do.

In high school I had a meditation/journaling class and learned to meditate and write down the thoughts that crossed my mind, while in that quiet, tranquil space. To be honest, most of the time I just fell asleep. But there were times that I would explore my thoughts, my life, faith and prayer. I would begin to write and I could write and write and the words would just flow as they are doing right now. Maybe even to many words, words that didn’t make any sense and only sounded like babble. (Kinda like what I’m doing now)

I remember writing in that class. I remember that journal. It was like a diary, I wouldn’t let it out of my site. Gosh, I wish I had that journal. It definitely would be kinda fun to read what a sixteen year old me was thinking and writing about.

Off to college I went. I had to work to afford community college – so between running to work, going to school and squeezing in homework I began the rat race of rush, rush, rush.

I fell in love, got married – and there was even more rushing going on. Years passed and although I taught the kids bedtime prayers and church prayers, I am sure that I also kinda prayed, but I definitely stopped journaling.

Like everything in life, prayer is also a journey. It changes over time. In my youth, I just memorized and recited prayers when I was told. In the rushing years, prayer was always “Help me God! I really need you!” I was very needy. I needed help navigating the chaos of well – Everything!

There was also a time when I questioned God. “God, please explain! I do not UNDERSTAND! Why?” During this phase of my life, I know I definitely used a few more choice words in my conversations.

Today, I would have to say I make time for prayer. In these last 10 years I have more of a routine. I say the rosary most mornings. Normally, I start with ”Lord, who do I need to pray for?” I usually get an answer pretty quick. It’s someone or a situation that’s on my mind. I recite the prayers that I have memorized and BOOM I pretty much have a good day. I pretty much feel when I do this I’ve done that let go, let God thing and He is on it. I’ve noticed that when I do not start my day this way, it usually ends up pretty sucky so I stick to the routine.

Most evenings before I go to bed, I open up the journal on my nightstand and write a few words. Some evenings there are so many words that flow, other evenings it’s just a sentence or two. I’ve noticed that since I picked up this habit of evening prayer, I sleep better I wish I picked this up years and years ago. But, as they say “It’s never to late to start something new.”

Speaking of something new, there is this phenomenon that goes on with me when I’m in nature. As I’ve mentioned before, my husband and I go camping most weekends. When I’m at our campground surrounded by trees, I feel God’s presence. It’s the BEST time for me to pray and it’s because I pray out loud. Actually, it’s more of a conversation and to me that is prayer.

An amazing feeling comes over me as I’m raking leaves and throwing them into the fire. I get excited every spring to see the new foliage coming up. During the summer, I look forward to see what flowers are about to bloom or have bloomed. In the fall, although I have to say goodbye to the beautiful blooms, and work a little by splitting those hostas, and planting a few more bulbs – God fills me with this awesome feeling of accomplishment and peace that get’s me through each cold Chicago winter.

Why Read

Why Read

Kindred Spirits,

My husband and I love to camp on the weekends and one particular weekend as we walked through the campground, I noticed that our neighbor was working on putting in patio blocks.  I called over to Todd and said ” When you’re done with your patio, can you teach my husband?”  He replied, “How about right now, I could use a hand.” Mark and I walked over and the patio lesson began.
As we watched, Todd’s wife Rhonda came over and said “Mary have you seen my fairy garden?” of course I said no and we walked over to her fairy garden and she proceeded totell me that whenever she has to go to Menard’s for a new tool, she gets to buy something for her fairy garden.  It was beautiful and so I’ll let you in on a little secret.  Everytime my husband makes me go shopping for tools, I seem to sneak in something for my garden.  I’ve got years to go before my fairy garden looks anything like Rhonda’s.
She keeps her fairy garden in her gazebo.  In her gazebo she has a couch and a coffee table.  On her coffee table was a coloring book. She proceeded to show me her coloring book.  It was such a weird experience.  She was so excited to show me her book, and the pages she colored as if she were a little girl.
She went on to say that adult coloring is the big new thing.  I didn’t know that they made coloring books just for adults.  I thought huh? I’ve got to check this out.  So the next time I was at Walmart I looked for adult coloring books and to my amazement what a selection.  I bought one.  I bought some markers and needless to say, I’ve become addicted and have spent a small fortune on coloring books.
The thing about coloring books, I do not like to color everything.  There are things I really like to color and things I really do not like to color.  I have a thing for flowers and mandella’s.
After spending a small fortune on coloring books, I’ve decided to learn to make my own pages

Hello World

Hello World

I am so glad you found MarySia’s Bookcase. I’m very excited to share this new project of mine with you. I have so much to tell you and I don’t know where to start. Yikes. I’ll start with my name. My name is MarySia. I’m a lot of things but the best description is that I’m very empathic, largely an introvert, a procrastinator, and most importantly an avid reader and dreamer with a touch of creativity.

For most of my life, I’ve been a hesitator, so afraid to join the conversation and to take risks. Today I’ve decided to go for it, to share my thoughts, and to start this blog,  Yes, I’m scared. What if – it’s not a success? What if  – it is a success?

I have 55 years of experience to my name. I married at 23, gave birth to 3 amazing children, overcame depression after 2 devastating miscarriages all leading up to a guilt-ridden divorce after 20 years of marriage.  Overcame the grueling challenges of divorce and believe it or not, learned to trust again. Dating at 18 was hard the first time around but let me tell you dating at 50 is a challenge. However, I’ve found love and marriage the second time around.

Currently, I’m adjusting to being an empty-nester, rebuilding, and navigating relationships with adult children. (So hard, to not be a part of their daily lives!) For the past 3 years, I’ve reversed roles with my mom and am now her caregiver.  What a challenge that is! Also, just learned that my first grandchild is on the way. So Excited for my daughter and my son-in-law, so excited for me!

At 48 I went back to college because I had to find a job that would support me because of my divorce.  Going back to school, being surrounded by the youth of today was sooooo hard, but I did it!  My degree program started with 30 students. After 2 years, 4 of us graduated. I’m very grateful to my 3 classmates that cheered me on.  I am very proud of myself for going back to school and earning my Bachelor’s Degree at 50!  

I’m also a large anterior superior mediastinal mass survivor (2000), and a 2011 survivor of a left pelvic spinal sheath tumor which took 3 surgeries to remove. Knowing something is wrong and going to doctor appointments, discussing options and treatments, listening to second opinions is heart wrenching.  Having surgery, the recovery process – all tough stuff, but I survived it all.   

How did I get through all of that and  have the energy to continue to keep going like the energizer bunny? Trust me when I say it was hard.  I shed a lot of tears.  However, supportive friends, reading books, and spending time in nature and prayer renewed by belief that God  has an AMAZING plan for my life.   

And all that, my life, has led me to today.  Today I stop being a procrastinator and take a leap of faith and take a risk.  I’m so looking forward to this journey, to sharing my thoughts about the books I read, my favorite quotes, life experiences, and my new but old love of coloring.