Welcome to MarySia's BookCase


Doing the Work – Beyond the Books and Journals


Hi There, I’m so glad that you’ve found MarySia’s Bookcase –

Over the past few years, I’ve done quite a bit of reading. Reading that has led me to highlighting words that I resonate with. To re-writing the words over and over in my journal. (That’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re trying to remember something new? Right? I know, I know, it’s called Neuroscience these days, rewiring old thoughts with new thoughts – and there are so many new thoughts to remember!)

Reading books and writing in my journals has been a thing of mine all of my life. However, recently this new generation of writers have challenged me to take the next step and to go beyond the books and journals.  Going Beyond means to share why I purchased the book, what I learned, and what the words inside inspired me to do.

The books in my bookcase have led me to this point in my life.  To start this blog, and to start writing.  It’s been a dream of mine for such a long time.  It’s time to stop being afraid and to start another chapter in my life. My journey to BECOMING the best that I can be each and everyday.

I’m excited to be here, as I accept the challenge, to share my thoughts and share my writing. My deepest and sincerest wish is that I remain focused and disciplined to do this everyday.  Let’s read together and go Beyond the Books and Journals, inspiring one another to live each and everyday better than the day before.

I hope you stay tuned, as I share my thoughts – well about everything!

Until next time, many Buckets of Blessings to you! 


Let’s Read Together

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

“I do Believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” – J.K. Rowling

“We read to know we are not alone.” – C.S. Lewis

“The more that you read the more things you will know.  The more that you learn The more places you will go.” – Dr. Seuss

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” – Earnest Hemingway

“Keep Reading. It’s one of the most marvelous adventures anyone can have.” – Lloyd Alexander

Let’s Write Together

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” – William Wordsworth

“You can make anything by writing.” – C.S. Lewis

“Don’t forget – no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.” – Charles de Lint

“Start writing, no matter what.  The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” – Louis L’Amour

“Be Courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little.” – Holley Gerth

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” – Richard Bach

Let’s Color Together

“Life is a great big canvas, throw all the color you can on it.” -Danny Kaye

“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.” – Neil Gaiman

“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” – Kandinsky

“Colors are the smiles from nature.” – Leigh Hunt

“Every canvas is a journey all it’s own.” – Helen Frankenthaler

“Every Artist was once an amateur – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let’s Pray Together

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, Believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” – Mark 11:24

“Pray and let God worry.” – Martin Luther 

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn